Leicestershire's Public Health Outcomes Framework

The Public Health Outcomes Framework sets out a vision for public health, desired outcomes and the indicators that will help us understand how public health is being improved and protected.

The Public Health Outcomes Framework concentrates on two-high level outcomes to be achieved across the public health system, and groups further indicators into four 'domains' that cover the full spectrum of public health. The outcomes reflect a focus not only on how long people live, but on how well they live at all stages of life.

Latest Leicestershire Public Health Outcomes Framework

The latest updates can be found in the following Tableau Dashboard:


Overarching indicators 0.1i - Healthy life expectancy (for males and females) and 0.2v - Slope index of inequality in healthy life expectancy at birth based on national deprivation deciles within England have been updated with more recent data.

Extra supporting information has also been added looking at the percentage of the population aged 65 and percentage of the population from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups.

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