Leicester and Leicestershire Economic Assessment 2011

About This Report:

The purpose of a Local Economic Assessment (LEA) is to provide a robust evidence base that will underpin strategic planning, investment decisions and delivery plans. This document is a refresh of LEA work conducted in 2010, providing more recent statistics and adjustments to reflect the changing policy arena since the formation of the Coalition Government.

The LEA refresh has been developed in the context of the Government's Local Growth White Paper, published in October 2010. The Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) has been established as a strategic commissioning body which will lead long-term economic change throughout the sub-region. This LEA refresh has been undertaken to support the work of the LLEP in its strategic role to identify local economic development priorities. The objectives were to:

  • Provide a sound understanding of the economic conditions in the Leicester and Leicestershire sub-region.

  • Identify the comparative strengths and weaknesses of the local economy and the nature of local economic challenges and opportunities.

  • Identify the constraints to local economic growth and employment and the risks to delivering sustainable economic growth.

The Economic Assessment consists of the following:

• Summary – stand-alone document , summarising each chapter in the full EA

• Introduction and 8 themed chapters – collectively these chapters make up the full EA.

The LEA will be used to further develop an economic strategy for the sub-region. The more detailed chapters will form the basis for evidence-based commissioning and delivery planning.

Arrangements for Updates:

The evidence base will be updated annually in terms of the key statistics and the next full refresh of the LEA is planned to take place in 2013.

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