Census 2011 - Open Atlas Project - Key Statistics information for districts

About This Report:

Alex Singleton, Lecturer in Geography at the University of Liverpool has mapped every Census Key Statistic at output area (OA) level for every local authority in England and Wales.

"Almost every non count variable (apart from Hectares) was mapped from the Key Statistics data disseminated by Nomis, and are either percentage scores or some type of ratio / average. Maps were excluded where there were only a few scores within a local authority district – you can see further explanation of this on the Rpubs page accompanying the analysis."

The individual reports are available here:


For more information, please contact:

Alex Singleton
Department of Geography and Planning
The University of Liverpool
The Gordon Stephenson Building
74 Bedford Street South
L69 7ZQ
E alex.singleton@liverpool.ac.uk
T (0)151 794 3108
F (0)151 794 3125