Local Tobacco Control Profiles

About This Report:

The Local Tobacco Control Profiles, collated by Public Health England, provide data to help assess the effect of tobacco use on our local population. They are designed to inform commissioning and planning decisions to tackle tobacco use and improve the health of local communities.

The profiles provide a snapshot of the extent of tobacco use, tobacco related harm, and measure being taken to reduce this harm at local level.

The Local Tobacco Control Profiles data is available as a fully interactive dashboard in Tableau. The data visualisation presents data for the available indicators at England level, upper tier local authority and (where available) lower tier local authorities. This dynamic visualisation allows the user to compare between similar areas and geographical neighbours.

Please note the reports and the data visualisation will be revised and updated in coordination with statistical releases from Public Health England.

To access the data visualisation please click HERE

For more information, please contact:

Natalie Greasley
Public Health Analyst
Public Health Team
Leicestershire County Council
T 0116 3055586
E natalie.greasley@leics.gov.uk