
Displaying 361 to 400 of 624

Leicestershire County Council Health Performance Update Q4 2019/20

Wed, 3 Jun 2020

Leicestershire County Council

Leicestershire County Council Health Performance Update Q4 2019/20

The report and associated dashboard provide Leicestershire County Council's update on local health and wellbeing priorities. The report covers Better Care Fund performance
(including care home admissions, delayed transfers of care, falls);...

Leicestershire County Council Safer Communities Performance Update Q4 2109/20

The report and associated dashboards provide an update on Leicestershire County Council's Enabling Economic Growth and Safer Communities priorities. It also covers performance on corporate areas not covered by the other scrutiny...

The purpose of this document is to provide Leicestershire County Safer Communities Strategy Board (LSCSB) with a comprehensive picture of crime, anti-social behaviour and community safety issues across Leicestershire County. The report provides information on police recorded crime, anti-social behaviour...

The Leicestershire County Strategic Assessment provides knowledge and understanding of community safety problems that will inform and enable partners to develop the County Community Safety Agreement

Leicestershire Fostering Service Annual Report 2019-20

Thu, 3 Dec 2020

Leicestershire County Council

This report should be read alongside the Recruitment and Retention Strategy which is part of the overall Care Placement Strategy 2018- 2021. It is a dynamic strategy, geared towards supporting the recruitment of new foster carers to meet the assessed needs as determined by the need's analysis; and is...

Leicestershire Health and Wellbeing Annual Report

Sat, 31 May 2014

Leicestershire Public Health

Health and Wellbeing Board's Annual Report updating on progress against the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

The following document contains maps of each of the 19 Priority Areas identified as part of the Local Area Agreement process. Each map contains details of both the intervention and monitoring areas. A table is included in the rear of the report providing details of the Lower Super Output Areas within...

Leicestershire Socioeconomic Summary

Mon, 7 Jun 2021

Leicestershire County Council

The following report provides a summary of a broad range of socioeconomic information for Leicestershire, covering the following topics:

  • Population
  • Economy
  • Area Classifications
  • Health

A brief commentary is included, along with links to further information. The report will be updated periodically as new data...

The Leicestershire Substance Misuse Evaluation Framework Dashboard provides a visual indication of performance against compliance levels for key performance indicators of drug and alcohol misuse from a range of partner agencies. All seven districts of Leicestershire form the dataset.

Two dashboards will...

The Annual Employment Land Availability Report contains information on employment land supply, availability and development in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The latest report, covering the year to 31st March 2007, has been published. Land availability and development are measured against the...

The Annual Residential Land Availability Report contains information on residential land supply, availability and development in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The latest report, covering the year to 31st March 2007, has been published. Land availability and development are measured against the...

Leicesteshire County Council Annual Performance Compendium 2020

Thu, 3 Dec 2020

Leicestershire County Council

Leicesteshire County Council Annual Performance Compendium 2020

The Annual Performance Compendium contains service performance data including
comparative performance. The dashboards focus on performance against the Council's
priorities as set out in the Council Strategic Plan.

Local Tobacco Control Profiles

Thu, 10 Apr 2014 13:35

The Local Tobacco Control Profiles, collated by Public Health England, provide data to help assess the effect of tobacco use on our local population. They are designed to inform commissioning and planning decisions to tackle tobacco use and improve the health of local communities.

The profiles provide...

Local Tobacco Control Profiles

Tue, 28 Aug 2012 09:28

Summary of local tobacco control profiles for Leicestershire and Rutland

The Market Harborough Priority Neighbourhood Profile for Central Market Harborough is now available. This profile provides a comprehensive overview of the Market Harborough intervention and monitoring areas. The report covers a range of useful baseline statistics for the area including information on...

This Community Safety Partnership Evidence Base Summary summarises the findings of the Leicestershire Community Safety Partnership Strategic Assessment 2008 for the Melton Area Safer Communities Partnership.

The Partnership Strategic Assessment (PSA) is a statutory document produced annually to inform Community Safety Partnerships about crime, disorder and community safety issues in their area. The aim of this Strategic assessment is to provide Community Safety Partnerships with a comprehensive analysis...

Melton CSP Strategic Assessment 2007

Fri, 18 Jan 2008 16:35

The Partnership Strategic Assessment provides knowledge and understanding of community safety problems that will inform and enable partners to develop their Community Safety Plan 2008-11

Following the recent boundary changes in Leicestershire, these area profiles provides a summary of the key data for an Electoral Division using the 2001 Census.

These reports provide a broad overview of the 2011 Census Key Statistics data, released by the Office for National Statistics on 30th January 2013, as part of the Census Second Release. The reports summarise a selection of key headline datasets of this release for Leicestershire Electoral Divisions (EDs)....

The Government stated, in the Coalition Agreement, its intention to create a new designation to protect green areas of particular importance to local communities. Understanding which green spaces local people particularly value, and why, will help local communities and councils decide where new homes...

Melton Parish Profiles - Census 2001

Mon, 31 Jan 2005 15:45

Simple 'Profiles' containing around 100 variables have been created for all Parishes in Leicestershire with at least 50 residents and 20 households. The themes covered are: People; Households; Work & Qualifications and Accommodation & Tenure. These profiles have not been released for higher geographies,...

The Melton Priority Neighbourhood Profile for Egerton/Fairmead is now available.

This profile provides a comprehensive overview of the Egerton/Fairmead priority neighbourhood. The report covers a range of useful baseline statistics for the area including information on demographics, deprivation, crime,...

The Melton Priority Neighbourhood Profile for Zone 3 (South Melton) is now available...

The Melton Priority Neighbourhood Profile for South Melton (Zone 3) is now available. This profile provides a comprehensive overview of the South Melton priority neighbourhood. The report covers a range of useful baseline...

The Melton Priority Neighbourhood Profile for Zone 2 (Town Centre Flats) is now available...

The Melton Priority Neighbourhood Profile for Town Centre Flats (Zone 2) is now available. This profile provides a comprehensive overview of the Town Centre Flats priority neighbourhood. The report covers a range...

Melton School Health Profile 2018/19

Mon, 3 Feb 2020

Leicestershire County Council

The School Health Profiles created by Public Health in Leicestershire County Council are a suite of profiles presenting a picture of child health in the area. The profiles are available at two different geographies, the overarching four page district profile and the more granular two page cluster profile....

Melton Ward Profiles - Census 2001

Mon, 31 Jan 2005 15:45

1)The profiles below provide a summary of all the main Census topics for each ward in the District. The profiles have been compiled using the Key Statistics Tables series released by the Office of National Statistics in 2003 and also provide comparison figures for the District and County areas.


Office For National Statistics (ONS) published the Mid-2012 Population Estimates by LSOA on 17th October 2013. Revised population estimates for the period Mid 2002-2011 are available on the ONS website.

The following interactive dashboards shows mid-2012 Population Estimates for Leicestershire at Lower...

Mortality reports

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 15:37

Reports on the four most common causes of death (Cancer, Cardio Vascular Disease, Liver Disease and Respiratory Disease) for Leicestershire and Rutland. Describing trends, also benchmarking against similar areas in England

These reports provide a broad overview of the 2011 Census Key Statistics data, released by the Office for National Statistics on 30th January 2013, as part of the Census Second Release. The reports summarise a selection of key headline datasets of this release for Leicestershire Electoral Divisions (EDs)....

The Government stated, in the Coalition Agreement, its intention to create a new designation to protect green areas of particular importance to local communities. Understanding which green spaces local people particularly value, and why, will help local communities and councils decide where new homes...

The North West Leicestershire Priority Neighbourhood Profile for Ashby is now available. This profile provides a comprehensive overview of the Ashby intervention and monitoring areas. The report covers a range of useful baseline statistics for the area including information on demographics, deprivation,...

The North West Leicestershire Priority Neighbourhood Profile for Measham is now available. This profile provides a comprehensive overview of the Measham intervention and monitoring areas. The report covers a range of useful baseline statistics for the area including information on demographics, deprivation,...

The North West Leicestershire Priority Neighbourhood Profile for Moira is now available. This profile provides a high level overview of the Moira intervention area. The report covers a range of useful baseline statistics for the area including information on demographics, deprivation, crime, economy,...

Simple 'Profiles' containing around 100 variables have been created for all Parishes in Leicestershire with at least 50 residents and 20 households. The themes covered are: People; Households; Work & Qualifications and Accommodation & Tenure. These profiles have not been released for higher geographies,...

This Community Safety Partnership Evidence Base Summary summarises the findings of the Leicestershire Community Safety Partnership Strategic Assessment 2008 for the North West Leicestershire Partnership in Safer Communities.

The North West Leicestershire Priority Neighbourhood Profile for Castle Donington is now available. This profile provides a comprehensive overview of the Castle Donington intervention and monitoring areas. The report covers a range of useful baseline statistics for the area including information on demographics,...

The North West Leicestershire Priority Neighbourhood Profile for Coalville, Thringstone and Whitwick is now available. This profile provides a comprehensive overview of the Coalville, Thringstone and Whitwick intervention and monitoring areas. The report covers a range of useful baseline statistics for...

The North West Leicestershire Priority Neighbourhood Profile for Greenhill is now available. This profile provides a comprehensive overview of the Greenhill intervention and monitoring areas. The report covers a range of useful baseline statistics for the area including information on demographics, deprivation,...

The North West Leicestershire Priority Neighbourhood Profile for Ibstock is now available...

The North West Leicestershire Priority Neighbourhood Profile for Ibstock is now available. This profile provides a comprehensive overview of the Ibstock intervention and monitoring areas. The report covers a range...