

Geographic features are shaded based on values in the data table according to the map legend.


Use the slider bar on the left of the map to zoom in and out. Click the zoom full icon (bottom magnifying glass) to zoom back to full extent. Alternatively, hold 'Shift' and click and drag a box on the map. The map will zoom to the area within the box drawn. you can also use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out of the map.

Map Menu

Click on the little triangle in the map toolbar to open a menu with further options for the report. These are also available via the context menu (right click mouse button) and are explained in detail in the section Context Menu (Click right mouse button).

Area Selection

'Ctrl' and click and drag a box on the map. The map features within the box drawn will become selected.

Select a Geographic Feature

Click on a geographic feature to select that feature. A selected geographic feature will be shaded orange. Hold down 'Ctrl' key to select multiple map features.

Enlarge the Map

Hover your mouse pointer over the top right corner of the map to highlight the small toolbar. Select the enlarge button to make the map full screen. Repeat the process to minimise the full screen map.

Tool Tip

Hover your mouse pointer over a map feature to display a tooltip with the LSOA name and its overall national deprivation ranking value (1 = Least Deprived & 32,482 = Most Deprived).