
Displaying 1 to 10 of 10

Hate Incident Monitoring Project Dashboard: Quarter 2 – 2016/17

Wed, 09 Nov 2016

Leicestershire County Council

The Hate Incident Monitoring Project (HIMP) data is available as an interactive dashboard.

A PDF version can be downloaded below.

The Hate Incident Monitoring Project Dashboard provides a quarterly summary of the number of hate incidents reported to the Police and HIMP as well as maps showing hate incident...

Domestic Abuse Dashboard: Quarter 2 - 2016/17

Wed, 09 Nov 2016

Leicestershire County Council

Domestic Abuse data is now available as an interactive dashboard.

A PDF version can be downloaded below.

The Domestic Abuse Dashboard provides a visual indication of recorded offences and non-recordable incidents of domestic abuse reported to the Police in Leicestershire County for the current year-to-date...

Community Based Survey Results 2014/15 Q3

Tue, 10 Feb 2015

Karen Earp

Leicestershire County Council and Leicestershire Police have jointly commissioned the Community Based Survey, which replaces the previous community safety CRAVE Survey. The project combines key survey requirements of the County Council and Police together into one consultation. As a result, the Community...

Domestic Abuse data is now available as an interactive dashboard in tableau [url=;:showVizHome=no]available here[/url].

A PDF version can be downloaded below.

The Domestic Abuse Dashboard provides a visual indication...

Office For National Statistics (ONS) published the Mid-2012 Population Estimates by LSOA on 17th October 2013. Revised population estimates for the period Mid 2002-2011 are available on the ONS website.

The following interactive dashboards shows mid-2012 Population Estimates for Leicestershire at Lower...

The two briefings below use data from the 1991, 2001 and 2011 Censuses to explore diversity and ethnic and religious mixing in Leicester and Leicestershire.

Key findings include:

  • The ethnic minority population, as measured by non-white residents, increased between 1991 and 2011 by 34,000 in Leicestershire...

Alex Singleton, Lecturer in Geography at the University of Liverpool has mapped every Census Key Statistic at output area (OA) level for every local authority in England and Wales.

"Almost every non count variable (apart from Hectares) was mapped from the Key Statistics data disseminated by Nomis, and...

The Partnership Strategic Assessment for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland brings together information regarding crime, disorder and community safety from across partner agencies to identify the longer-term issues impacting on Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, as well as the scope of, and projections...

Leicester Residents' Survey 2008

Tue, 17 Mar 2009 12:50

Leicester City Council conducted a survey with NHS Leicester City to measure residents attitudes towards the council and its services. The report covers the satisfaction levels with the city council, the city as a place to live, community cohesion and safety.
Along with the documents attached, further...

The Active People Survey is the largest ever survey of sport and active recreation to be undertaken by Sport England in Europe. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) #1 is the numbers of people participating moderately in physical activity for thirty minutes three times a week. This thematic map of Leicester...