
Displaying 121 to 124 of 124

The purpose of this Evidence-Base document is to provide Community Safety Partnerships within Leicestershire with a comprehensive, robust and accurate picture of crime and disorder issues across the county. This Evidence-Base report provides the fundamental information to form the basis of the Partnership...

This Community Safety Partnership Evidence Base Summary summarises the findings of the Leicestershire Community Safety Partnership Strategic Assessment 2008 for the Blaby Community Safety Partnership.

For more information, please contact:

Karen Earp
Research and Insight Officer
Research and Insight Team...

Blaby CSP Strategic Assessment 2007

Fri, 18 Jan 2008 16:38

The Partnership Strategic Assessment provides knowledge and understanding of community safety problems that will inform and enable partners to develop their Community Safety Plan 2008-11

The Active People Survey is the largest ever survey of sport and active recreation to be undertaken by Sport England in Europe. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) #1 is the numbers of people participating moderately in physical activity for thirty minutes three times a week. This thematic map of Blaby district...