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Domestic Abuse data is now available as an interactive dashboard in tableau [url=;:showVizHome=no]available here[/url].

A PDF version can be downloaded below.

The Domestic Abuse Dashboard provides a visual indication...

Leicestershire Health and Wellbeing Annual Report

Sat, 31 May 2014

Leicestershire Public Health

Health and Wellbeing Board's Annual Report updating on progress against the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

This report provides a health needs assessment (HNA) for physical activity and sport to support and inform a physical activity and sport strategy.

The aim of this HNA is to: identify met and unmet needs in adults and children related to physical activity and sport across Leicestershire and Rutland.


Mortality reports

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 15:37

Reports on the four most common causes of death (Cancer, Cardio Vascular Disease, Liver Disease and Respiratory Disease) for Leicestershire and Rutland. Describing trends, also benchmarking against similar areas in England

This September report analyses a range of up to date information, research and reports to assess the local impact of the credit crunch in Leicester and Leicestershire within the context of the national economic downturn. This report features in depth local analysis of ;
• Job Prospects
• Young...