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Children and Family Services – Care Placement Strategy 2018-2021

Wed, 03 Oct 2018

Leicestershire County Council

In Leicestershire we are ambitious for our children and want to do all we can to provide them with high quality services. For our children in care we will provide good quality care and placements to help them reach their potential. The Care Placement Strategy outlines the county council's ambition for...

The Active People Survey is the largest ever survey of sport and active recreation to be undertaken by Sport England in Europe. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) #1 is the numbers of people participating moderately in physical activity for thirty minutes three times a week. This thematic map of Blaby district...

The Active People Survey is the largest ever survey of sport and active recreation to be undertaken by Sport England in Europe. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) #1 is the numbers of people participating moderately in physical activity for thirty minutes three times a week. This thematic map of North West...

The Active People Survey is the largest ever survey of sport and active recreation to be undertaken by Sport England in Europe. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) #1 is the numbers of people participating moderately in physical activity for thirty minutes three times a week. This thematic map of the Charnwood...

The Active People Survey is the largest ever survey of sport and active recreation to be undertaken by Sport England in Europe. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) #1 is the numbers of people participating moderately in physical activity for thirty minutes three times a week. This thematic map of Oadby and...

The Active People Survey is the largest ever survey of sport and active recreation to be undertaken by Sport England in Europe. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) #1 is the numbers of people participating moderately in physical activity for thirty minutes three times a week. This thematic map of the Harborough...

The Active People Survey is the largest ever survey of sport and active recreation to be undertaken by Sport England in Europe. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) #1 is the numbers of people participating moderately in physical activity for thirty minutes three times a week. This thematic map of the Melton...

The Active People Survey is the largest ever survey of sport and active recreation to be undertaken by Sport England in Europe. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) #1 is the numbers of people participating moderately in physical activity for thirty minutes three times a week. This thematic map of Hinckley...

The Active People Survey is the largest ever survey of sport and active recreation to be undertaken by Sport England in Europe. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) #1 is the numbers of people participating moderately in physical activity for thirty minutes three times a week. This thematic map of Leicester...