
Displaying 81 to 120 of 624

Safer Communities Performance Report Q1 2020/21

Fri, 25 Sep 2020

Leicestershire County Council

Leicestershire County Council Safer Communities Performance Report Q1 2020/21

The report and associated dashboards provide an update on Leicestershire County Council's Enabling Economic Growth and Safer Communities priorities. It also covers performance on corporate areas not covered by the other scrutiny...

Safer Communities Report Q1 2020/21

Fri, 25 Sep 2020

Leicestershire County Council

Leicestershire County Council Safer Communities Report Q1 2020/21

The report and associated dashboards provide an update on Leicestershire County Council's Enabling Economic Growth and Safer Communities priorities. It also covers performance on corporate areas not covered by the other scrutiny committees...

Adults & Communities Performance Report Q1 2020/21

Mon, 7 Sep 2020

Leicestershire County Council

Leicestershire County Council Adults & Communities Performance Report Q1 2020/21

The report and associated dashboard provide an update on the performance of Leicestershire County Council's Adults and Communities Department. The report covers adult social care services (including residential admissions,...

Environment and Transport Performance Report Q1 2020/21

Thu, 3 Sep 2020

Leicestershire County Council

Leicestershire County Council Environment and Transport Performance Report Q1 2020/21

The report and associated dashboard/s provide an update on the performance of Leicestershire County Council's Environment & Transport Department. The report covers: waste management; the Council's environmental impact...

Children and Family Services Performance Report Q1 2020/21

Tue, 1 Sep 2020

Leicestershire County Council

Leicestershire County Council Children and Family Services Performance Report Q1 2020/21

The report and associated dashboard provide an update on the performance of Leicestershire County Council's Children & Families Department. The report covers children's social care services (including child protection,...

Leicestershire County Council Safer Communities Performance Update Q4 2109/20

The report and associated dashboards provide an update on Leicestershire County Council's Enabling Economic Growth and Safer Communities priorities. It also covers performance on corporate areas not covered by the other scrutiny...

Leicestershire County Council Health Performance Update Q4 2019/20

Wed, 3 Jun 2020

Leicestershire County Council

Leicestershire County Council Health Performance Update Q4 2019/20

The report and associated dashboard provide Leicestershire County Council's update on local health and wellbeing priorities. The report covers Better Care Fund performance
(including care home admissions, delayed transfers of care, falls);...

Rutland School Health Profile 2018/19

Mon, 3 Feb 2020

Leicestershire County Council

The School Health Profiles created by Public Health in Leicestershire County Council are a suite of profiles presenting a picture of child health in the area. The profiles are available at two different geographies, the overarching four page district profile and the more granular two page cluster profile....

Oadby and Wigston School Health Profile 2018/19

Mon, 3 Feb 2020

Leicestershire County Council

The School Health Profiles created by Public Health in Leicestershire County Council are a suite of profiles presenting a picture of child health in the area. The profiles are available at two different geographies, the overarching four page district profile and the more granular two page cluster profile....

North West Leicestershire School Health Profile 2018/19

Mon, 3 Feb 2020

Leicestershire County Council

The School Health Profiles created by Public Health in Leicestershire County Council are a suite of profiles presenting a picture of child health in the area. The profiles are available at two different geographies, the overarching four page district profile and the more granular two page cluster profile....

Melton School Health Profile 2018/19

Mon, 3 Feb 2020

Leicestershire County Council

The School Health Profiles created by Public Health in Leicestershire County Council are a suite of profiles presenting a picture of child health in the area. The profiles are available at two different geographies, the overarching four page district profile and the more granular two page cluster profile....

Hinckley and Bosworth School Health Profile 2018/19

Mon, 3 Feb 2020

Leicestershire County Council

The School Health Profiles created by Public Health in Leicestershire County Council are a suite of profiles presenting a picture of child health in the area. The profiles are available at two different geographies, the overarching four page district profile and the more granular two page cluster profile....

Harborough School Profile 2018/19

Mon, 3 Feb 2020

Leicestershire County Council

The School Health Profiles created by Public Health in Leicestershire County Council are a suite of profiles presenting a picture of child health in the area. The profiles are available at two different geographies, the overarching four page district profile and the more granular two page cluster profile....

Charnwood School Health Profile 2018/19

Mon, 3 Feb 2020

Leicestershire County Council

The School Health Profiles created by Public Health in Leicestershire County Council are a suite of profiles presenting a picture of child health in the area. The profiles are available at two different geographies, the overarching four page district profile and the more granular two page cluster profile....

Blaby School Health Profile 2018/19

Mon, 3 Feb 2020

Leicestershire County Council

The School Health Profiles created by Public Health in Leicestershire County Council are a suite of profiles presenting a picture of child health in the area. The profiles are available at two different geographies, the overarching four page district profile and the more granular two page cluster profile....

Unemployment Bulletin July 2019

Tue, 13 Aug 2019

Leicestershire County Council

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

Unemployment Bulletin June 2019

Wed, 17 Jul 2019

Leicestershire County Council

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

Unemployment Bulletin May 2019

Tue, 18 Jun 2019

Leicestershire County Council

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

Unemployment Bulletin April 2019

Thu, 16 May 2019

Leicestershire County Council

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

Unemployment Bulletin March 2019

Tue, 16 Apr 2019

Leicestershire County Council

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

Unemployment Bulletin February 2019

Wed, 20 Mar 2019

Leicestershire County Council

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

Unemployment Bulletin January 2019

Wed, 20 Feb 2019

Leicestershire County Council

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

Unemployment Bulletin December 2018

Tue, 22 Jan 2019

Leicestershire County Council

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

Unemployment Bulletin November 2018

Tue, 11 Dec 2018

Leicestershire County Council

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

Annual Report of the Director of Public Health 2018

Tue, 11 Dec 2018

Natalie Davison

This year's report presents on the changing population of Leicestershire, the prevalence of individual and multiple conditions (otherwise known as multiple morbidity) in the population and data on excess winter deaths and place of death. The growing number of people living with multiple health conditions...

This year's report presents on the changing population of Leicestershire, the prevalence of individual and multiple conditions (otherwise known as multiple morbidity) in the population and data on excess winter deaths and place of death. The growing number of people living with multiple health conditions...

Unemployment Bulletin October 2018

Wed, 14 Nov 2018

Leicestershire County Council

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

Unemployment Bulletin September 2018

Tue, 16 Oct 2018

Leicestershire County Council

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

Children and Family Services – Care Placement Strategy 2018-2021

Wed, 3 Oct 2018

Leicestershire County Council

In Leicestershire we are ambitious for our children and want to do all we can to provide them with high quality services. For our children in care we will provide good quality care and placements to help them reach their potential. The Care Placement Strategy outlines the county council's ambition for...

Unemployment Bulletin August 2018

Thu, 13 Sep 2018

Leicestershire County Council

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

Leicestershire County Council - Children & Families Performance Report Q1 2018/19.

The report and associated dashboard provide an update on the performance of Leicestershire County Council's Children & Families Department. The report covers children's social care services (including child protection,...

Leicestershire County Council - Environment & Transport Performance Report Q1 2018/19.

The report and associated dashboard/s provide an update on the performance of Leicestershire County Council's Environment & Transport Department. The report covers: waste management; the Council's environmental...

Leicestershire County Council - Adults & Communities Performance Report Q1 2018/19.

The report and associated dashboard provide an update on the performance of Leicestershire County Council's Adults and
Communities Department. The report covers adult social care services (including residential admissions,...

2018 Leicestershire Rural Evidence Base

Tue, 21 Aug 2018

Leicestershire County Council

The Leicestershire Rural Partnership (LRP) commissioned the county council to produce a rural evidence base in order to present a comprehensive picture of rural Leicestershire. It is intended that the report will assist the LRP in responding to key national and local consultations to assist with influencing...

Early Help Evaluation Reports

Tue, 21 Aug 2018

Leicestershire County Council

This is an evaluation of Leicestershire County Council's Early Help Service. The evaluation covers Early Help families which were supported by a case worker from the Supporting Leicestershire Families Service and Children's Centre's who received an assessed service during 2013 and 2017.

PHOF Report Rutland

Tue, 21 Aug 2018

Leicestershire County Council

This release of the PHOF contains 254 indicators (including gender breakdowns). The overall findings are

summarised below.

Overall performance across Rutland County is significantly better than the England average or against a

benchmarking goal for 57 of the indicators presented in the PHOF. Performance...

Unemployment Bulletin July 2018

Wed, 15 Aug 2018

Leicestershire County Council

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

Unemployment Bulletin June 2018

Wed, 18 Jul 2018

Leicestershire County Council

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

Leicestershire County Council - Adults & Communities Performance Report Q4 2017/18.

The report and associated dashboard provide an update on the performance of Leicestershire County Council's Adults and
Communities Department. The report covers adult social care services (including residential admissions,...