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Social Capital Survey 2007

Wed, 11 Feb 2009 15:58

As part of the Stronger Communities Block of the Leicestershire Local Area Agreement (LAA), the Communities and Voluntary Sector (CVS), DeMontfort University and Leicestershire County Council conducted a survey that attempted to baseline levels of social capital in 20 areas across Leicestershire.


Leicester Residents' Survey 2008

Tue, 17 Mar 2009 12:50

Leicester City Council conducted a survey with NHS Leicester City to measure residents attitudes towards the council and its services. The report covers the satisfaction levels with the city council, the city as a place to live, community cohesion and safety.
Along with the documents attached, further...

The Crime Reduction Dashboards provide a visual indication of recorded crime figures against performance/reduction targets. All seven districts of Leicestershire are covered along with Leicester City, and an overall view of Leicestershire and the Force Area.

For more information, please contact:


The Partnership Strategic Assessment provides a summary of the crime, disorder and substance misuse issues across Leicestershire during 2008/09. The information within this assessment is designed to aid the Leicestershire Safer Communities Strategy Board to review current and develop future strategic...