
Displaying 1 to 6 of 6

Director of Public Health Annual Reports 2016

Wed, 4 Nov 2015

Leicestershire County Council

Reports from the Director of Public Health.

This is the last in a series of three reports from Leicestershire's Director of Public Health reviewing health across the life cycle. This report focuses on the health and wellbeing of working age adults. Earlier reports focussed on the health of children and the health of older people.

This report is...

Social Capital Survey Report 2010

Wed, 6 Jan 2010 15:57

As part of the Stronger Communities Block of the Leicestershire Local Area Agreement (LAA), the Communities and Voluntary Sector (CVS), DeMontfort University and Leicestershire County Council conducted a survey that attempted to baseline levels of social capital in 20 areas across Leicestershire. The...

Leicester Residents' Survey 2008

Tue, 17 Mar 2009 12:50

Leicester City Council conducted a survey with NHS Leicester City to measure residents attitudes towards the council and its services. The report covers the satisfaction levels with the city council, the city as a place to live, community cohesion and safety.
Along with the documents attached, further...

Social Capital Survey 2007

Wed, 11 Feb 2009 15:58

As part of the Stronger Communities Block of the Leicestershire Local Area Agreement (LAA), the Communities and Voluntary Sector (CVS), DeMontfort University and Leicestershire County Council conducted a survey that attempted to baseline levels of social capital in 20 areas across Leicestershire.


This report was produced by the Research and Information Team at Leicestershire County Council and provides an overview and analysis of the issues around community cohesion in Leicestershire.

The report will contribute towards the evidence base for a Sustainable Community Strategy and will also along...