Leicester and Leicestershire Business Survey 2008

About This Report:

The Leicester and Leicestershire Business Survey has been carried out by a partnership involving the Leicester Shire Economic Partnership (LSEP), Leicestershire County Council, Leicester City Council and other key local agencies over the last 10 years. The survey provides a comprehensive picture of local business optimism and performance. The survey for 2008 was updated to better fit the new policy agenda:

• Businesses surveyed were broadly representative of the local economy in terms of size and sector.

• The partnership expanded the sample size to 1,000, so that at least 100 interviews were conducted in each of the district council areas in the County and 300 within Leicester City.

• The survey includes additional focus on the current economic climate to asses the impact on local business confidence.

• Previous topical issues of migrant workers, skills shortages and recruitment continued to be monitored.

• The research was overseen by the SARCOG Economic Sub-Group comprising partners from De Montfort University, Leicester University, Learning and Skills Council, Chamber of Commerce, LSEP, Leicester City Council and Leicestershire County Council.

The survey offers comparability over the last 10 years, providing a robust source of evidence which can be used to influence policy, planning and help to attract funding to the area.

For more information please contact

Joëlle Bradly
Research Manager
Chief Executives Department
Leicestershire County Council
County Hall
Tel: 0116 305 5883
Email: jbradly@leics.gov.uk