About This Report:
The Leicester and Leicestershire Business Survey has been carried out by a partnership involving Leicestershire County Council, Leicester City Council and other key local agencies over the last 10 years. The survey provides a comprehensive picture of local business optimism and performance. Interviews were conducted in June 2009 to provide an update on views of local business in the current economic climate, while continuing to monitor issues such as skills shortages and training. Questions on transport were also added to measure the concerns of local businesses.
The survey was conducted by telephone with a robust sample size of 1,011 businesses across Leicester City and Leicestershire County, with at least 90 interviews in each Local Authority District. It offers comparability over the last 10 years, providing a robust source of evidence which can be used to influence policy, planning and help to attract funding to the area.
For more information please contact
Joëlle Bradly
Research Manager
Chief Executives Department
Leicestershire County Council
County Hall
Tel: 0116 305 5883
Email: jbradly@leics.gov.uk