About This Report:
The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority level.
The population figures used to calculate residence-based proportions (rates) have changed from working age (16-59f/64m) to aged 16-64 for both males and females. This change affects rates for July 2010 so rates are not currently comparable to previous dates.
Unemployment Dashboard
Unemployment data for the sub-region is also available in interactive Tableau dashboard containing historical claimant count data back to July 2010:
N.B. requires Internet Explorer 8 and above or comparable browser.
Between now and the spring, all data currently covered by the bulletin will be migrated over to dashboards, at which point the report will move to a quarterly commentary paper that coincides with the release of ILO data. Please direct any questions or feedback to the details below.
A detailed commentary of the national picture is available from the Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion Inclusion Labour Market LIVE - February 2014)
Archived versions of the Unemployment Bulletin can be found here
For more information, or to be added to the distribution list for future reports, please contact:
Alex Lea
Research and Insight Manager
Research and Insight Team
Leicestershire County Council
T 0116 305 5509
E alex.lea@leics.gov.uk
Divya Patel
Research and Insight Officer
Research and Insight Team
Leicestershire County Council
T 0116 305 7257
E divya.patel@leics.gov.uk