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Director of Public Health Annual Report 2014, Data Appendix

Mon, 24 Nov 2014

Leicestershire Public Health

All the data included in the annual report for 2014 is available in this data visualisation.

The tab across the top allows you to examine the "key facts", recommendations of the repot and data in each chapter. In each chapter tab, multiple indicators which relate to the chapter subject area can be examined...

Unemployment Bulletin August 2014

Thu, 18 Sep 2014

Leicestershire County Council

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...

The monthly unemployment bulletin contains a range of unemployment related statistics, covering Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The JSA claimant data in this bulletin is available down to ward level. The JSA data is also available broken down by the detailed ethnic groups down to Local Authority...