
Displaying 1 to 5 of 5

The Annual Performance Compendium contains service performance data including comparative performance. The dashboards focus on performance against the Council's priorities as set out in the Council Strategic Plan.

The Annual Delivery Report covers Leicestershire County Council's performance. It describes progress with implementing agreed plans and achievements over the last 12 months. It focuses on performance against County Council priorities as set out in the Council Strategic Plan and other main service strategies....

The dashboard/s and associated report provide an update on the performance of Leicestershire County Council's Highways & Transport Services. The dashboard covers: road safety; highways maintenance; strategic transport and reducing congestion; and sustainable travel.

The dashboard/s and associated report provide an update on the performance of Leicestershire County Council's Highways & Transport Services. The dashboard covers: road safety; highways maintenance; strategic transport and reducing congestion; and sustainable travel.

Travel to Work - District Profiles

Wed, 01 Feb 2006 11:49

These reports provide travel to work data and analysis for people between the ages of 16 to 74 in employment who live in a particular districtborough as well as those that work inside that disrtictborough. It is therefore concerned with the resident and workplace population in employment between the...