
Displaying 1 to 15 of 15

These dashboards show relative performance compared to net expenditure per head and deprivation for Leicestershire and other local authorities, with a particular focus on two-tier county and county unitary areas.

The Benchmarking Analysis compares performance and expenditure outcomes in Leicestershire with those of other local authority areas.

The report and associated dashboard provide Leicestershire County Council's update on local health and wellbeing priorities. The report covers Better Care Fund performance (including care home admissions, delayed transfers of care, falls).

Common Mental Health Disorders Dashboard

Fri, 28 Nov 2014

Leicestershire Public Health

The Common Mental Health Disorders Dashboard, collated by Public Health England, collates and analyses a wide range of publically available data on prevalence, risk, prevention, early intervention, assessment, treatment, outcomes and service costs. It provides commissioners, service providers, clinicians,...

Director of Public Health Annual Report 2014, Data Appendix

Mon, 24 Nov 2014

Leicestershire Public Health

All the data included in the annual report for 2014 is available in this data visualisation.

The tab across the top allows you to examine the "key facts", recommendations of the repot and data in each chapter. In each chapter tab, multiple indicators which relate to the chapter subject area can be examined...

Director of Public Health Annual Report 2014

Mon, 24 Nov 2014

Leicestershire Public Health

This is the first report from Mike Sandys, Leicestershire's Director of Public Health, reviewing the infleunce of the wider determinents of health, such as good housing, good education, employment, social interactions and family support, on the health of the population.

In this report we take a structured...

Domestic Abuse data is now available as an interactive dashboard in tableau [url=;:showVizHome=no]available here[/url].

A PDF version can be downloaded below.

The Domestic Abuse Dashboard provides a visual indication...

Leicestershire Health and Wellbeing Annual Report

Sat, 31 May 2014

Leicestershire Public Health

Health and Wellbeing Board's Annual Report updating on progress against the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Local Tobacco Control Profiles

Thu, 10 Apr 2014 13:35

The Local Tobacco Control Profiles, collated by Public Health England, provide data to help assess the effect of tobacco use on our local population. They are designed to inform commissioning and planning decisions to tackle tobacco use and improve the health of local communities.

The profiles provide...

The Sexual and Reproductive Health Profiles, collated by Public Health England, provide data to help monitor the health of the population and performance of the local public health related systems.

The profiles provide a snapshot of sexual and reproductive health across a range of topics including teenage...

The Partnership Strategic Assessment for Oadby & Wigston Borough brings together information regarding crime, disorder and community safety issues from across partner agencies to identify the longer-term issues impacting within the Borough as well as the scope of, and projections for crime, criminality...

The Partnership Strategic Assessment for Harborough District brings together information regarding crime, disorder and community safety issues from across partner agencies to identify the longer-term issues impacting within the district as well as the scope of, and projections for crime, criminality...

The Partnership Strategic Assessment for Hinckley & Bosworth brings together information regarding crime, disorder and community safety issues from across partner agencies to identify the longer-term issues impacting within Hinckley & Bosworth Borough as well as the scope of, and projections...

The Partnership Strategic Assessment for Blaby District brings together information regarding crime, disorder and community safety issues from across partner agencies to identify the longer-term issues impacting within the district as well as the scope of, and projections for crime, criminality and other...

This is the last in a series of three reports from Leicestershire's Director of Public Health reviewing health across the life cycle. This report focuses on the health and wellbeing of working age adults. Earlier reports focussed on the health of children and the health of older people.

This report is...