
Displaying 1 to 12 of 12

Director of Public Health Annual Report 2014, Data Appendix

Mon, 24 Nov 2014

Leicestershire Public Health

All the data included in the annual report for 2014 is available in this data visualisation.

The tab across the top allows you to examine the "key facts", recommendations of the repot and data in each chapter. In each chapter tab, multiple indicators which relate to the chapter subject area can be examined...

Transport to Employment Research Project

Wed, 12 Nov 2014

Leicestershire County Council

This page will host information relating to the Job Centre Plus Flexible Support Grant Funded research exploring transport barriers to employment.

The research project study area consists of:

  • Leicestershire County
  • Leicester City
  • North Warwickshire District
  • Nuneaton and Bedworth District

Stage 1 - Contextual...

Leicestershire Health and Wellbeing Annual Report

Sat, 31 May 2014

Leicestershire Public Health

Health and Wellbeing Board's Annual Report updating on progress against the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

The Government stated, in the Coalition Agreement, its intention to create a new designation to protect green areas of particular importance to local communities. Understanding which green spaces local people particularly value, and why, will help local communities and councils decide where new homes...

The Government stated, in the Coalition Agreement, its intention to create a new designation to protect green areas of particular importance to local communities. Understanding which green spaces local people particularly value, and why, will help local communities and councils decide where new homes...

The Government stated, in the Coalition Agreement, its intention to create a new designation to protect green areas of particular importance to local communities. Understanding which green spaces local people particularly value, and why, will help local communities and councils decide where new homes...

The Government stated, in the Coalition Agreement, its intention to create a new designation to protect green areas of particular importance to local communities. Understanding which green spaces local people particularly value, and why, will help local communities and councils decide where new homes...

The Government stated, in the Coalition Agreement, its intention to create a new designation to protect green areas of particular importance to local communities. Understanding which green spaces local people particularly value, and why, will help local communities and councils decide where new homes...

The Government stated, in the Coalition Agreement, its intention to create a new designation to protect green areas of particular importance to local communities. Understanding which green spaces local people particularly value, and why, will help local communities and councils decide where new homes...

The Government stated, in the Coalition Agreement, its intention to create a new designation to protect green areas of particular importance to local communities. Understanding which green spaces local people particularly value, and why, will help local communities and councils decide where new homes...

The Government stated, in the Coalition Agreement, its intention to create a new designation to protect green areas of particular importance to local communities. Understanding which green spaces local people particularly value, and why, will help local communities and councils decide where new homes...

Early in 2011, the county council asked the public to say which local green spaces they particularly valued and why. This was in response to Government proposals to create a new designation, to protect green areas of particular importance to local communities.

A key aim of the green spaces consultation...