
Displaying 1 to 3 of 3

Leicestershire Socioeconomic Summary

Mon, 07 Jun 2021

Leicestershire County Council

The following report provides a summary of a broad range of socioeconomic information for Leicestershire, covering the following topics:

  • Population
  • Economy
  • Area Classifications
  • Health

A brief commentary is included, along with links to further information. The report will be updated periodically as new data...

2018 Leicestershire Rural Evidence Base

Tue, 21 Aug 2018

Leicestershire County Council

The Leicestershire Rural Partnership (LRP) commissioned the county council to produce a rural evidence base in order to present a comprehensive picture of rural Leicestershire. It is intended that the report will assist the LRP in responding to key national and local consultations to assist with influencing...

Census 2011 - LSOA population by sex and five year age bands

Mon, 18 Feb 2013 14:25

Leicestershire County Council

The following interactive dashboard contains information on population for Leicestershire Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs).

Census 2011 LSOA population dashboard by sex and quinary age (N.B. requires Internet Explorer 8 and above or comparable browser).

LSOAs are small units of geography (containing, on...