
Displaying 1 to 8 of 8

Leicestershire County Council - Children & Families Performance Dashboards Q1 2017-18.

The dashboard and associated report provide an update on the performance of Leicestershire County Council's Children & Families Department. The dashboard covers children's social care services (including child...

Leicestershire County Council - Children & Families Performance Report Q1 2017-18.

The report and associated dashboard provide an update on the performance of Leicestershire County Council's Children & Families Department. The report covers children's social care services (including child protection,...

Director of Public Health Annual Reports 2016

Wed, 04 Nov 2015

Leicestershire County Council

Reports from the Director of Public Health.

In July 2015, Public Health England (PHE) published a briefing and data set looking at reasons for emergency admissions for dementia patients. This data briefing has been developed as partnership between NHS England and the Dementia Intelligence Network (DIN). The briefing presents the findings from...

Leicestershire Health and Wellbeing Annual Report

Sat, 31 May 2014

Leicestershire Public Health

Health and Wellbeing Board's Annual Report updating on progress against the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Mortality reports

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 15:37

Reports on the four most common causes of death (Cancer, Cardio Vascular Disease, Liver Disease and Respiratory Disease) for Leicestershire and Rutland. Describing trends, also benchmarking against similar areas in England

The aim of this report is to use the principles of Social Return on Investment (SROI) to forecast the value of Leicestershire County Council's contract with the Community Meals Service in Leicestershire. The Community Meals Service provides hot meals to elderly residents in Leicestershire 365 days a...

This qualitative assessment research covers future housing needs and aspirations of older people from across the County and City of Leicester to inform the development of strategic services for this section of the population.

This work was commissioned by local authorites of the Leicester and Leicestershire...