
Displaying 1 to 5 of 5

Principles of SROI were used to evaluate the impact of the 2012/2013 Innovation Fund. Two projects, Opening Doors and Employment Solutions, were able to evidence their impact through SROI. The evaluations calculated that both projects created approximately £10 for every £1 invested. The outcomes...

The aim of this evaluation is to use the principles of Social Return on Investment (SROI) to evaluate the value of the substance misuse work within Leicestershire's Youth Offending Service. The evaluation calculated that the substance misuse work creates a Social Return of approximately £4 for...

The aim of this evaluation is to use the principles of Social Return on Investment (SROI) to evaluate the value of the Leicestershire Twenty Twenty scheme.Twenty Twenty is a charity that specialises in education and support for disadvantaged young people in Leicestershire between the ages of 11 and 18.The...

This report uses the Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodology to explore the value of the Community Safer Sex Project (CSSP) in terms of who is affected by the project and what changes for them. The Community Safer Sex Project (CSSP) was established in 2001 to support the emerging Teenage Pregnancy...

The aim of this report is to use the principles of Social Return on Investment (SROI) to forecast the value of Leicestershire County Council's contract with the Community Meals Service in Leicestershire. The Community Meals Service provides hot meals to elderly residents in Leicestershire 365 days a...